You have to learn to select your thoughts the same way that you select your clothes every day. Now that’s a power you can cultivate. -Richard from Texas, Eat. Pray. Love.
Whether you love or hate Eat. Pray. Love., this statement rings true. For me, this is a daily struggle challenge. My goals for my career & education, my blog, my health, my giving back to the community and my family are big and lofty goals.
The only thing between me and reaching those goals are the thoughts that I choose everyday. Admittedly, it can be down to the thoughts that I choose each minute. There are moments that I think, “Well, I’m just too tired.” or “I can do it later.” or “It’s not fair!” or “Does it really matter if I workout or complete this blog post?” … Do you ever have thoughts like these?
Meditation is important to be able to get your mind to a place where you can choose your thoughts. There are several styles of meditation: in Eat. Pray. Love. Liz (Julia Roberts) attempts meditation a meditation room in India and then in Bali, her medicine man, Ketut teaches her a simple meditation – to sit and smile.
I choose a Christian mediation. I call myself a ‘stumbling follower of Christ’ because … well, though I desire to love others and work like Christ, I am far from it and I stumble. A lot. So, meditating on His Word can help me when choosing my thoughts.
Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. -Phil 4:8
Here are some thoughts that I use to replace the negative thoughts:
“Today matters!”
“I do not wait until tomorrow to do what I can do today.”
“Working out is important and fun.”
“My future is my responsibility.”
“I rise every day and put my hope in God’s truths.”
Thanks to my friend Libby I. Juliá-Vázquez and More than Latina for sharing this photo and her response:
“Make everyday significant!” ~Libby
It made me think: if I choose the positive thoughts, each day will be significant and my fabulous outfits won’t go to waste!
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