I don’t talk much about my son’s food allergies much on my blog. However, I’ve come to the conclusion that my purpose on Qué Means What is to inspire others and that includes other parents who are challenged with the same experience. How does this fit in to culture? Well, first, I’d love to raise my child on frijoles y arroz con tortillas like any normal Mexican-American niño but he can’t have those simple foods without some modifications. So this changes the way we, as a familia, eat food. And food is such a large part of our cultura.
So not only do I have to be aware of what foods he can eat, I have to make sure he is safe wherever he may be. It is a task to ensure that any adult who is with him is also aware of what foods he can and cannot have (even if food isn’t planned for the time he is with him, just in case). When a representative from Hope Paige contacted me and introduced me to their fun and fashionable medical ID bracelets, I was happy to take a look and share them with others.
Mainly interested in the ones for children, I was still happily surprised to see all their designs for teens and adults too. These medical ID bracelets are not only for food allergies but for any medical condition one might face. A friend, who is an EMT, suggested that every diabetic wear a medical ID bracelet. As a parent, I want to know that my would have one extra precautionary measure, in case of an emergency. These bracelets can be engraved with an emergency phone number, list of medical conditions, child’s or parent’s name, etc. Since they are colorful, they will blend in with one’s attire and only be noticeable to the emergency medical professionals who would need to see them.
Thanks to Hope Paige, Great Day SA, a local San Antonio morning TV show, featured me and Hope Paige bracelets on their show … watch this clip for more information!
Mamis and Papis, is your child challenged with food allergies? What other precautions do you take to keep them safe?
Disclaimer: Qué Means What received two complimentary bracelets from Hope Paige. Opinions are my own.