One of my favorite social media platforms is still … Twitter. One of the reasons I enjoy it is because I have developed some precious friendships via Twitter. In addition, most of my news comes from Twitter because I can seek out the topics I want to learn about. It is one place I found comfort in connecting to other Latinos who appreciate the culture and can share valuable information about what’s happening RIGHT NOW. It’s a fast-paced information highway that can be used for good or evil.
Let’s use it for good gente.
[box border=”full”]If you are not on Twitter yet, now is a great time to join. Simply go to and sign up. You can change your user name so don’t get hung up on what it will be. Once you have done that consider visiting fellow San Antonio blogger Geekette Bits and her 3 part series of Twitter 101: Friends and Followers to learn more. [/box]
Back to using Twitter for good … First, follow me at @quemeanswhat (wink) I also tweet at @mendezgonzales, if you can’t get enough. Second, take a look at the Twitter Chats happening this week about Latino Culture and Community:
If you are not ready to jump right in and chat but want to ‘listen and observe’, simply type in the hashtag (#) to each party at the time of the party and follow along.
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Our monthly Twitter party will discuss the topics and cultural tidbits that make up our rich Latino heritage. Our first discussion: The importance of preserving all aspects of our Latino history and heritage.
DATE: February 11, 2013*
* Every 2nd Tuesday of the month thereafter
TIME: 8-9 pm EST
HOSTS: @MidyAponte and @ERgeekgoddess <<~~ You want to follow these two.
FOR MORE DETAILS: Follow @American_Latino on Twitter <<~~ Follow them too.
It seems WEDNESDAY February 13, 2013 will be a busy night for Tuiteros …
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Join us on for a special 30-minute Twitter-chat all about amistades, friendships, and comadre-ships!
DATE: Wednesday, February 13, 2013
TIME: 9:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm CST / 6:00 pm PST
HOSTS: Alexandra M. Landeros @UndercoverMexi – with special guest Nora Comstock @LasComadresBook <<~~ Follow them too.
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Twitter-Talk with Emmy award-winning journalist Jorge Ramos
Currently the anchor of Noticiero Univision, Ramos joins Mamiverse, along with partners Latino Rebels and iHispano, to talk about the new edition of his book, A Country for All: An Immigrant Manifesto. In it, Ramos addresses the urgent need for Immigration Reform, and why Latinos are the key to making America’s future a bright one. Organized by Mamiverse & Jorge Ramos, in conjunction with Latino Rebels; iHispano, the leading Latino job board company in the nation, will also be supporting the event through their proprietary network channels.
DATE: Wednesday, February 13th
TIME: 9:00-10:00 PM EST / 8:00-9:00 PM CST / 6:00-7:00 PM PST
HOSTS AND CO-HOSTS: @Mamiverse @JorgeRamosNews @LatinoRebels <<~~ Follow ALL of them.
PRIZES: Ten signed copies of Jorge Ramos’ Country for All[/box]
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Piropos Traducidos Crest Twitter Party ~ Join P&G’s Crest + Scope and Latina Mom Bloggers where they will share commonly used piropos, translate them for fun, and share other ways women will confidently and courageously approach that special someone on Valentine’s Day.
DATE: Wendesday, February 13
TIME: 9:00 pm EST / 8:00 pm CST / 6:00 pm PST
CO-HOSTS: @MContemporanea, @QueenofSwag4u,
@CouponMamacita, @SassyMamainLA, @ninasay
MODERATORS: @LatinaMomBlogs, @JollyMom,
BRAND: @Crest
PRIZES: Winners will be selected at random, for a total of four (4) winners: 1 – $100 gift card, 2 – Crest product baskets with $50 gift cards in each (Product:$15 value ), 1 – Tablet (Value: $199.99)
RSVP: Required to be eligible to win prizes HERE.[/box]
Yes, two of these overlap one another. Sometimes we Twitter Party Hop. It’s okay. Just don’t be rude and confuse the hashtags. It can be a challenge to give your attention to more than one conversation at a time. Take your time.
There you go. Now, get to tweeting. Make new friends, share, learn and ENJOY the conversations! If there are any that I am missing, please let me know in the comments, gracias!
Photo sources: and