SHFT Announces Food Tripping App

food-tripping-appAt SXSWi 2013, SHFT announced the soon-to-launch Food Tripping App. The app is something that I’m sure has been talked about a many foodie dinners.

Don’t you wish there was an app that would show you where all the farmers’ markets, juice bars, artisanal shops/bakeries or even micro-breweries (and the like) are located?

Those are just some of the places Food Tripping, a geo based app to be launched in April 2013, will locate for you according to SHFT Co-Founder, Peter Glatzer. I like how Adrian Grenier describes it in my video below:

[quote]Everything that you can’t get on a sign as you are driving across America.[/quote]

At a dinner with other foodie mamas, I recall discussing how great it would be if when we were on the road trip with our families, we really did know where all the local eateries were (like the ones we loved in our own city). We all agreed that we would drive a few miles off our path if we knew there was a healthier option rather than the chain food restaurants we see off the interstate.

SHFT is a multi-media platform founded by film producer Peter Glatzer and actor-filmmaker Adrian Grenier. Our mission is to convey a more sustainable approach to the way we live through video, design, art and culture. ( If you are not familiar with this movement and you ‘dig’ sustainability, consider visiting their website to keep up with the work they are doing. At this lunch/announcement, we were able to see first hand some of the cool products from SHFT like the longboard made from sustainable wood and cork and the backpack made partially from recycled plastic bottles.

The invitation for this event came way of LATISM – Latinos in Tech Innovation and Social Media. Currently serving as the Co-Director of the San Antonio Chapter, I was happy to attend when SHFT founding partner, Ford Motor Company, sent an invitation. Thanks Ford! It was a great event and I was able to record the official unveiling of the app in this video:

This lunch announcement was just one part of SHFT’s presence in Austin for SXSWi 2013. For the full report on their activities, visit Peter Glatzer’s blog post, SHFT Turns Heads in Austin, on their website.

I would not be telling the whole truth if I did not admit that I was pretty stoked to get to meet Adrian Grenier, aka Vincent Chase from HBO’s Entourage. It’s refreshing to know that an actor and film-maker is doing much more that just talking about sustainability. Along with film-producer, Peter Glatzer, he created a movement to bring these products and ideas to the mainstream. adrian-grenier-peter-glatzer-sxsw