Do you remember the Saturday Night Live’s Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey? I loved those! They were ridiculous but fun.
Well, sometimes I search #smh on Twitter and read them out loud in my best Jack Handey voice. (and sometimes someone else is listening, ha.) #smh stands for Shaking My Head. So on a platform like Twitter where you can express yourself fully (well almost fully), we rather enjoy reading what people shake their heads at. Just before typing this post, I did just that and wanted to share a few with you. I didn’t make this stuff up. And I know, it doesn’t take much to keep me amused
As you continue to read, imagine the words in Jack Handey’s voice.
“Every time I see people wearing glasses I know it’s normal, but when I wear them I feel hollywood
#smh““Bro you have a paragraph tattooed on your stomach? You must be real…#smh““Some people create their own storms and get mad when it rains
#smh““Just saw a lawfirm commercial about “Sketchers Shape Ups injuries”
#smh““Raisin cookies that look like chocolate chips are the main reason I have trust issues
#smh““Why don’t ppl just keep dere instagram name da same as dere twitter it makes life so much easier
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