It’s too hot in San Antonio to go out and build a fire just to make s’mores but my son has been asking for them for a while. So we decided to make them indoors. Thanks to our amigos at Hershey’s, my son and I had a fun afternoon of building, baking and eating s’mores while staying cool in the process.
I almost didn’t make this video because my kitchen was a mess, but I knew it would be a great mom and son experience. I was right! He loved every minute of it and besides the evidence in the video, he won’t remember how clean or messy the kitchen was. Queridos, take a moment to make a simple summer afternoon a special one!
How To Make S’mores Indoors
- S’mores wire basket
- Graham crackers
- Hershey’s Chocolate
- Marshmallows
- Oven
Set the oven at 350 degrees. Place the ingredients in the basket: cracker, chocolate, marshmallow, cracker. Close the basket, flip it over and bake in oven for 3-4 minutes.
Voila! The s’mores remain crispy on the outside and super gooey on the inside. Enjoy the s’more!
Shop for your S’More To Love STL-600 S’More Maker here.
The Giveaway
Now, it’s your turn! We have a giveaway for you. But first, double your chances of winning a kit for making s’mores by entering on the Hershey’s website! It is in Spanish but if you simply use Google translate, you can follow along easily to enter. Go ahead! Our giveaway will be here when you get back
Welcome back! Enter below for a chance to win #VeranoHersheys Prize Pack! Good luck, mis queridos!